ERAS Cardiac Surgery Named Official Heart Surgery Representative for ERAS Society

tom May 9th

The ERAS Society is delighted to announce that it has formalized an agreement with ERAS® Cardiac Surgery for them to has to act as the sole official ERAS® Cardiac Surgical Specialty Society representing ERAS® Society on a global level.

In addition, the ERAS® Cardiac Surgery has been granted the distinct privilege to propose which hospital(s) should be appointed ERAS® Centers of Excellence in Cardiac Surgery.

“The ERAS® Society is very pleased to have added this important surgical discipline to the fast -growing network of specialties around the world.” said Professor Olle Ljungqvist. “The ERAS® Cardiac Surgery Society is a formidable group of experts that will play a pivotal role to develop and implement ERAS for the benefit of the large number of patients undergoing cardiac surgery world wide”

Click here for the full press release
