ERAS® Society History

The mission of the Society is to develop peri-operative care and to improve recovery through research, education, audit and implementation of evidence-based practice. Below is short description of how the ERAS®Society was developed and some highlights from its history.

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ERAS® Advisory Council

The ERAS® Society Advisory Council is the strategic body of the society. The board appoints the Executive Committee Chairman and approves of the members of the Executive Committee.

ERAS® Advisory Council

Professor Arthur Revhaug (Norway)

Professor emeritus and Senior Advisor in Surgery, UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø, Norway.

Professor Arthur Revhaug is a Co-funding member of the ERAS Study Group and later the ERAS® Society. He has been a member of the Board since the start and…

Professor Tonia Young-Fadok, M.D. (USA)

Chair of CRS at Mayo Clinic Arizona, and Director of our ERAS® Center of Excellence.

Professor Tonia Young-Fadok, M.D. had her Pre-clinical and Clinical Medical School at Oxford University, England. She was a Harvard Surgical Research Fellow at New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston, US. She…

Dorthe Hjort Jakobsen (Copenhagen)

Clinical Nurse Manager

Dorthe Hjort Jakobsen has been working with developing and implementing ERAS program since 1997 together with Professor Henrik Kehlet. Her particular focus has been on broaden knowledge of fast-track/ERAS…

Past ERAS® Advisory Council Members

Professor Franco Carli (Canada)

Professor of Anesthesia

Professor of Anesthesia at McGill University and Associate Professor in the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at McGill University. Staff anesthesiologist at the McGill University Health Centrel. Previously…

black and silver stethoscope on white surface

Professor Cornelius De Jong (The Netherlands)


Executive Committee

Professor Mary Brindle (Canada)

Executive Secretary

Mary Brindle is a pediatric surgeon and Professor or Surgery and Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary in Alberta Canada. She is also the Scientific Director of…

Valérie Addor (Switzerland)

Chairwoman of the ERAS Implementation Program

Valérie Addor works at the Department for Visceral Surgery at the University Hospital CHUV in Lausanne, Switzerland. She has been involved in ERAS® since 2011. As an ERAS dedicated…

Professor Nicolas Demartines (Switzerland)

Chairman of the ERAS Implementation Program

Nicolas Demartines obtained his MD degree at the University of Geneva in 1985, and achieved his board of Surgery in 1990 at the University of Basel Medical School, Switzerland.…

Professor Olle Ljungqvist (Sweden)


Olle Ljungqvist is a professor of Surgery at Örebro University and KarolinskaInstitutet Sweden He co-founded the ERAS® Society and served as the Chairman of its Executive Committee until July…

Appointed Officers

Professor Dileep Lobo (UK)

Scientific Chair

Dileep N Lobo is Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Consultant Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgeon at Nottingham University Hospitals, UK. Dileep N Lobo, MB BS, MS, DM, FRCS, FACS, FRCPE is Professor…

Professor Mary Brindle (Canada)

Appointed Guideline Co-chair

Mary Brindle is a pediatric surgeon and Professor or Surgery and Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary in Alberta Canada. She is also the Scientific Director of…

Associate Professor Ulf Gustafsson (Sweden)

Guideline Co-Chair

Ulf is a Senior consultant surgeon, specializing in colorectal surgery, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, Dept of Surgery, Danderyd’s Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden. He is Research group leader, Department of Clinical…

Dr Chris Jones (UK)

Website Editor

Chris has been a Consultant Anaesthetist at the Royal Surrey County Hospital and St Luke’s Cancer Centre in Guildford, UK, since 2013. His training in anaesthesia was based at…

Ms Angie Balfour (UK)

Nurses Section Chair

Angie Balfour has been involved in ERAS® for over 15 years as the lead ERAS Nurse and Senior Research Nurse in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is also the chair of…

Professor Tom Wainwright (UK)

Allied Health Professional Representative

Tom Wainwright is Professor in Orthopaedics at Bournemouth University, and a Research Physiotherapist at University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust.   He is a physiotherapist, clinical academic, and quality…

Professor William Fawcett (UK)

Webinar Editor

Professor Bill Fawcett is a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford, UK. and is currently Vice President of The Association of Anaesthetists of Great…

Professor Mike Scott (USA)

Past Educational Chair and Scientific Committee Member

Mike is currently Division Chief Surgical & Neuroscience Critical Care Medicine, Medical Director PENN E-LERT, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of…

Dr Marianna Sioson (Philippines)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Officer

Dr. Marianna Sioson is the Section Head of Medical Nutrition, Department of Medicine, The Medical City Hospital in Manila. She is a member of the nutrition support teams in…

Dr Kwang Yeong How (Singapore)

Education Committee Member

Dr How Kwang Yeong is a consultant surgeon in the Colorectal Service of the General Surgery Department, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. He specializes in minimally invasive surgery, including endoscopic,…

Kristina Wikander

ERAS® Society Secretariat

Kristina is responsible for ERAS® Society’s secretariat since 2012 with focus on providing good and fast service to all in ERAS® network throughout the world. She is a medical…

Dr Michael Grant (USA)

Scientific Committee Member

Dr. Michael C. Grant is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (ACCM) at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where he works clinically as a…

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