Professor Dileep Lobo, Chair of the Scientific Committee of the ERAS Society delivered the Sir David Cuthbertson Oration at the 45th Congress of the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism at Lyon, France on 12 September 2023.
He was honoured for his body of work on perioperative fluid and electrolyte therapy. The title of his lecture was “A Fluid Journey: Experiments that Changed Clinical Practice”. Click here to read the associated paper.
The award is conferred for high quality work that has made a difference to the science of metabolism and nutrition. Previous recipients of the award can be found here.

He was also awarded the Association Award by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland on 15 September 2023 for his contributions to perioperative care, including fluid therapy, enhanced recovery after surgery and perioperative opioid use. The Association Award is awarded to anaesthetists and other individuals who have made significant contributions to the Association of Anaesthetists and its charitable foundation, its objects and goals, or its members.
Both these awards are testiment to Dileeps hard work and dedication to the field of perioperative medicine and of course ERAS. As a society we are exceptionally proud that one of our own has been recognised with these two prestigious awards.
Congratulations Dileep and thank you for all that you do.