Last August 11th, 2018 we received at the National Cancer Institute, Mexico, Dr. Adrián Álvarez and Nurse Gabriela Sánchez from Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. The objective was to start our training to implement ERAS in our Digestive Tract Tumors Department. We counted with the presence of the Associate Medical General Director of our Institution, Dr. Ángel Herrera Gómez, and Vice-Director of Surgery, Dr. Aarón González Enciso.
For the implementation of this program we created a team in each area that this program will be implemented, the Colorectal team, coordinated by the Head of the Department, Dr. Horacio López Basave and the Pancreatic surgery team coordinated by Dr. Javier Melchor Ruan. With a total of 20 attendants the training started in the morning discussing the goals of the ERAS program and stating which is the necessary process for its implementation. Doubts about how to manage changes in the perioperative process of the patient were clarified and each team set its short- term goals. We had the first contact with EIAS system and we defined activities for the first two months.
With great enthusiasm we started our training counting with the active presence of Nurse Mariana Perales; authorities of the Nurse Department of the Institution as well as representatives of the Anesthesia and Nutrition Departments, associate physicians and residents.
Dr. Javier Melchor Ruan- ERAS INCAN Program Coordinator

Top Row – left to right: Crisenry Brito Baños- Anesthesiologist, Luis Cuellar- Head of Anesthesia Department, Abraham Fabela- Anesthesiologist, Luis Orozco Rosas- Surgery resident, Maura Judith Tomas- Anesthesiologist, Sergio Aguilar- Oncologic Surgery resident, Gerardo Miranda: Pancreatic Associate surgeon, Aarón González Enciso: Surgery Vice Director, Javier Melchor : ERAS Program Coordinator, Itzel Vela Sarmiento: Associate Colorectal Surgeon, Mariana Perales: ERAS Program Nurse Coordinator, María Josefina, Flores: Nutritionist, Anabel Labana – Nutritionist, Alberto León : Associate Colorectal Surgeon
Bottom row – left to right: Emma Ávila García: Surgery Nurse Supervisor, Inés Mendoza Santos: Head Nurse, National Cancer Institute, Horacio López Basave: Head of Digestive Tract Tumor Department, Adrián Álvarez, Juan Manuel Ruiz: Surgical Coordinator, Erika Gonzalez Soriano: Surgery Head Nurse