The ERAS® Society has growing activities in the USA. Following the 3rd World Congress for the ERAS® Society in Washington DC in May of this year, we are now happy to announce the first ERAS® Society Implementation program just started in collaboration with the CtSQC in the state of Connecticut. The first of a series of ERAS Implementation program involves four hospitals in Connecticut: St Francis Hospital, Norwalk Hospital, Lawrence & Memorial hospital and Middlesex hospital.
The implementation program will continue in a few phases where most of the hospitals involved in major surgery will be trained using the ERAS® Society Implementation program.
For questions about the developments in the USA and interest in the ERAS® Society Implementation program, please contact Kristina Wikander at the ERAS® Society office:
For questions about the program in Connecticut please contact Cynthia Ross-Richardson:

The leaders for the CtSQC Collaborative – ERAS® Society Implementation program, from left to right: Robert Lincer, MD, FACS, Local initiator of the ERAS Implementation program, Angie Balfour, RN University of Edinburgh, UK, ERAS Society Implementation coach for the program, Berson Augustin, McGill University Hospital, Montreal Canada, ERAS Implementation coach, Cynthia Ross-Richardson,RN, CT ERAS® Coordinator, Scott Ellner, DO, FACS Program Chairman of the CtSQC, Kathleen Gravelle, RN – CtSQC ERAS Educator, Dr Olle Ljungqvist, Örebro University & Karolinska Insititutet, Sweden, ERAS® MD trainer.

Phase 1 hospital teams involved in the ERAS® Implementation Program in Connecticut, USA July 16, 2015.

The teams in full training during the first day of the ERAS Implementation program.