Associated Sites
& National Contacts
The ERAS® Society has a network of experts around the world who act as national contacts for the society.

ERAS Turkey

ERAS Ukraine

ERAS Japan
On Sunday May 15 ERAS®Japan was officially inaugurated as a new ERAS®Chapter and partner to the ERAS®Society. The ceremony took place in Nagahama City by Professor Kyoichi Takaori from Nagahama city hospital, who has been leading the founding of the Society and Professor Olle Ljungqvist co-founder and past chairman of the ERAS®Society. Professor Takaori with […]

ERAS® Italia Society – POIS
POIS PeriOperative Italian Society – ERAS Italian Chapter is a scientific company born from the Italian Perioperative Program (IPP), whose mission is to promote the mini-invasiveness of the surgical path and improve the quality of life of the patient in the perioperative period. The Chapter has activated a network of over 70 Italian hospitals and […]

ERAS® USA, the ERAS®Society USA Chapter.
ERAS® USA held its founding meeting on Sunday, October 16, 2016, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Washington, DC. The mission of the organization is to develop peri-operative care and to improve recovery through research, audit, education and implementation of evidence based practice

Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Society UK, United Kingdom.
ERAS® UK is the British Section of the International Society of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. ERAS® UK aims to improve patient recovery after surgery by promoting knowledge, understanding and research regarding optimal outcomes.

ERAS® LatAm is the Latin American chapter of the ERAS® Society. Its mission is to facilitate the full implementation of an ERAS program in the countries of South America and the Caribbean. It also seeks to promote the training of its members and formalise a network for the creation of knowledge.

Enhanced Recovery Canada, Canadian Patient Safety Institute.
Enhanced Recovery Canada (ERC) is a project of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, directed by an ERC governance committee. We work with pan-Canadian stakeholders to develop and disseminate evidence based Enhanced Recovery resources for both providers and patients. We also work with teams to support their implementation strategy using an integrated Knowledge Translation (KT) approach. For […]

ERAS® Switzerland

ERAS® Singapore

ERAS® Cardiac Society

Spanish Multimodal Rehabilitation Group (GERM), Spain.
GERM or Spanish Rehabilitation Multimodal Group was founded in 2008 with the objective of implementing protocols Fast Track or early rehabilitation in Spain and evaluate all aspects of its implementation, including their compliance and patient benefit.

Unit of Perioperative Nursing, Rigshospitalet, Denmark.
The focal point of the work in Unit of Perioperative Nursing Care is the exchange of experience and development of knowledge and work in In collaboration with Henrik Kehlet, Section of Surgical Pathophysiology. The unit has a coordinating role nationally in Denmark.

ACERTO Project, Brazil.
The ACERTO Project (ACEleração da Recuperação TOtal Pós-operatória) is a program which aims accelerating the post-operative recovery of patients. It is based on the existing ERAS Program and on the foundations of evidence-based Medicine, mostly being an educative program.

ESPEN, The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.
ESPEN is dedicated to all issues relevant to the field of clinical nutrition and metabolism and promotes: basic and clinical research, basic and advanced education, the organisation of consensus statements about clinical care and care quality control. The aims of ESPEN are to encourage the rapid diffusion of knowledge and its application in the field of Parenteral and […]

ERAS®Alberta Canada
ERAS®Society Chapter in Taiwan
Taiwan Chapter, ERAS Society was established in 2019 with one national platform to implement ERAS. We also co-work with healthcare professional societies and provide the practical strategies how to start ERAS in different levels of hospitals. For improving surgical safety, Society and Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare officially announced ERAS as one working directive […]


The European Society of Thoracic Surgeons