Professor Tom Wainwright (UK)

Allied Health Professional Representative

Tom Wainwright is Professor in Orthopaedics at Bournemouth University, and a Research Physiotherapist at University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust.


He is a physiotherapist, clinical academic, and quality improvement specialist internationally recognised for his work on Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) protocols within orthopaedics. Tom graduated as a physiotherapist from Coventry University with a first class degree and went on to specialise in orthopaedic physiotherapy. Tom moved into clinical research and has extensive experience of managing international randomised clinical trials in orthopaedics. In addition to his clinical and research work he has held managerial roles within the National Health Service (NHS) including a crucial leadership role in the design, implementation, and delivery of an award winning orthopaedic ERAS pathway. He is passionate about improving the quality of healthcare systems and works to help other healthcare providers improve the quality of their services. The Institute of Consulting named him as the 2010 young consultant of the year for his work on a portfolio of ERAS implementation projects. More recently, Tom has focussed on research within the field of ERAS and orthopaedics, and to date has secured over £2.5M in research income for projects in this area. He lectures worldwide and has authored numerous ERAS publications; including articles, textbooks, textbook chapters, and has won international prizes for his work.