Compliance with the ERAS Protocol and 3-Year Survival After Laparoscopic Surgery for Non-metastatic Colorectal Cancer.


Compliance with the ERAS Protocol and 3-Year Survival After Laparoscopic Surgery for Non-metastatic Colorectal Cancer.

Pisarska et al. World J Surg. 2019 Jul 8. doi: 10.1007/s00268-019-05073-0.

What is already known:
The short-term benefits of ERAS are well known but what is really exciting is how the evidence of long-term benefits are slowing building.

What this paper adds:
This study of patients undergoing laparoscopic colorectal surgery has an impressive overall compliance of all the elements (85.2%), but when they divided the patients into 2 groups (<80% and >80% compliance) there were differences in outcomes. 3-year survival was 88% in the high compliance group compared to 76% in the lower compliance group (p=0.0007). There were also fewer complications (44 vs 23%) and shorter length of stay in the high compliance group (6 vs 4 days). This paper nicely adds to the growing evidence of improved longer-term outcomes with ERAS.

Chris Jones, Guildford. @chrisnjones

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