Enhancing recovery after minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum


Enhancing recovery after minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum

Litz CN et al. (2017) Enhancing recovery after minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum. Pediatr Surg Int. Oct;33(10):1123-1129. 

What is already known:

Paediatrics is one of the newest specialities to embrace ERAS, and so currently the evidence bas is relatively sparse. That said a number of guidelines have been published and the 1st World Congress on ERAS for Paediatrics took place last year.

What this paper adds:

A comprehensive ERAS programme was introduced for patients undergoing minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum and was compared to a retrospective control group. Length of stay was reduced together with a reduction in ICU stay, a reduction in morphine usage and a reduced urinary catherization rates.

Chris Jones, Guildford.

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