COVID-19 update to the ERAS® Interactive Audit System

olle August 24th

The ERAS® Interactive Audit System, can now also be used to track your patient’s Covid-19 status. This will be beneficial for surgical teams to keep track of the patient’s Covid-19 status and identify how the patient’s Covid-19 status affects the outcome of care.

The selection items are based on the WHO Clinical Coding for Covid-19. Since some studies show long term effects in COVID patients, this data can be used to study how these cases respond to recovery after surgery in the long run.

The ERAS® Interactive Audit System comes with a set of protocols based on the ERAS® Society published guidelines and is used to register, measure, and audit your patient’s perioperative care process.

If you are using an audit system for ERAS® practice, there are some parameters that may be of high value to you for planning backlog surgeries and identifying the best perioperative measures. Please read more here.

Please contact Encare directly if you have questions regarding the ERAS® Interactive Audit System and how to implement ERAS®.
