
Latest updates from the Eras® Society.

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ERAS-Japan welcomed as a new national Chapter

On Sunday May 15 ERAS®Japan was officially inaugurated as a new ERAS®Chapter and partner to the ERAS®Society. The ceremony took place in Nagahama City with Professor Olle Ljungqvist co-founder…

Calling all AHPs involved in ERAS!

Allied health professionals (AHPs) play a critical role in the successful implementation of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathways. AHPs such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dietitians, and speech therapists,…

In memory – Eivind Warberg

This summer we lost one of our national ERAS® leaders. Eivind Warberg sadly died in a drowning accident in Norway. Eivind was the lead Doctor for ERAS at Östvold…

man lies on the operating table

NOW ONLINE: The ERAS and COVID-19 global seminar

This free ERAS® Society webinar broadcasted on Saturday 27th of February in Europe and the Americas and March 6 in Australasia entitled “ERAS and COVID-19” covers how COVID-19 has…