Past Events

Welcome to join the SwERAS congress SwERAS-dagarna the 18th–19th of November 2021
The Swedish ERAS Society SwERAS is pleased to announce the annual congress back again as a live event in November in Stockholm.

ERAS USA 4th Annual Congress on the 10th–12th of November 2021
ERAS USA’s mission is to develop perioperative care and enhance postoperative recovery through research, audit, education, and implementation of evidence-based practice. Central to this mission is a culture of inclusivity…

ERAS Implementation Webinar
Optio harum libero est illo excepturi et veniam nisi temporibus rem amet ea odio temporibus omnis quis fugit ipsa quis ipsa rerum quia sequi dolore asperiores. Totam ut officia…
Turkish ERAS Society June 11-13, 2021
Please join our Turkish colleagues who are running the 2nd Congress of the Turkish ERAS Society June 11-13, 2021.
Perioperative opioids and ERAS
Et nihil quidem ullam modi unde aperiam ipsam dolorem est sunt totam velit itaque nihil dolorum quia impedit id quis dolorum esse necessitatibus voluptatem quas eaque dolor esse consequatur…

Webinar Series
Fugiat accusamus quo omnis rem ex fugiat facere aut eum repellat sed ut excepturi quis quia perspiciatis repudiandae quasi non minima est dolorum perferendis sit totam eligendi ea et…