Patients as partners in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: A qualitative patient-led study


Patients as partners in Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: A qualitative patient-led study

Gillis C, Gill M, Marlett N, MacKean G, GermAnn K, Gilmour L, Nelson G, Wasylak T, Nguyen S, Araujo E, Zelinsky S, Gramlich L. BMJ Open. 2017 Jun 24;7(6):e017002

What is already known:

Patient centered care is perceived as the most important part of healthcare but often patients are not really involved in shaping health services. This is a really interesting and important study as it is the first patient led ERAS study. Where patients were trained to conduct experimental patient research, and to characterise the needs and expectations of patients following ERAS care.

What this paper adds:

The main finding from this study is that patients wish ERAS pathways included their whole journey from diagnosis to recovery, and not just be limited to the perioperative phase. The ERAS protocol should be fully explained and the purpose of it should also be reinforced. The protocol should be extended to preoperatively to help patients prepare emotionally, psychologically and physically before surgery. Peer support should be available (I happen to think this is invaluable!). And finally for clinicians to realise that one-size-does not fit all and that personalised adaptations within the standardised pathway are required. It is not the largest of studies (only 20 patients) so cannot claim to speak for all patients but it still gives valuable insight to the wants and needs of patients undergoing ERAS programmes.

Chris Jones, Guildford. @chrisnjones

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