Radical Cystectomy and GI complications


Radical Cystectomy and GI complications

Djaladat H, Daneshmand S. Gastrointestinal Complications in Patients Who Undergo Radical Cystectomy withEnhanced Recovery Protocol. Curr Urol Rep. 2016 Jul;17(7):50.

What is already known:

Gastro-intestinal complications are the most frequent after radical cystectomy – up to 30% of patients will experience major GI complications (including severe post-operative ileus requiring a nasogastric tube). This study is a review of how ERAS programs can affect GI complications after radical cystectomy. You can view the ERAS guidelines for cystectomy here.

What this paper adds:

The authors report an impressively low rate of severe post-operative ileus (6%), with a comprehensive ERAS program as well as the regular use of prokinetics and peripherally acting mu-opioid receptor antagonists. The authors also conduct a review of the pathophysiology and management of the common GI complications – post-operative ileus, nausea and vomiting.

Chris Jones, Guildford.


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